On November 22, 2016 TRANS-SERVICE-KTT passed another certification for compliance with the requirements of the Shipping Register of Ukraine.
According to the results of tests and inspection, the enterprise was confirmed as compliant with the requirements of the Shipping Register of Ukraine (Certificate No. 12-3-91-14 of 11.11.2014, valid until 10.11.2019).
According to the Certificate, the specialists of TRANS-SERVICE-KTT LLC have a rights for performance of the following activities:
1. Works on the construction, re-equipment, modernization and repair of technical surveying facilities (ships, hull structures, ship equipment, products, etc.), as follows:
• fault finding and repair of main, auxiliary and emergency ICE, fuel systems, mechanisms and metal structures of lifting devices;
• erection / dismantling of lifting devices;
• repair of hull structures according to the survey of defects approved by the Register of Ukraine and carried out by authorized organizations;
2. Repair, installation and commissioning of electrical and automation equipment;